JeRk CuRtAiN pReViEw



SUBJECT: if JERK CURTAIN intrigues me.

good morning. my name is Pix. i met a representative  of this page at Tatterdemalion earlier this week. i looked over the web link that was slipped me, and i am just a bit curious as to why his attention was directed to me... why he'd think this was an opportunity i'd be interested in exploring. 

reading that back, i know it sounds a little curt, but please understand i would just like a more clear understanding of what exactly this Jerk Curtain project is. i've been burned many times before on project opportunities that strike a similar tone to what yours seems to be presenting (albeit  not quite as articulate... kudos to whoever handles the writing on the page), which turn out to be low rent boobs 'n blood rape fetish trash that ends up never leaving the producer's private collection (i suppose i shouldn't talk shit, as i spent my 19th and 20th year on this earth appearing as a regular in titles manufactured by the made-to-order company C.R.E.S.T. Productions, perhaps you're familiar with such classics as Bagging Scalps in Pantyhose or Eye Socket Lubricant ? hardeeharhar). 

in any event... your project has stoked my curiosity, and i would like to know a little more. 

have a nice day.

- Pixy Deville. 


SUBJECT: RE: if JERK CURTAIN intrigues me.

a very good afternoon to yourself, Ms. Deville. all of us here are familiar with much of your work. we all agree you are the most undervalued figure within your respective milieu,, and we couldn't be more thrilled to have captured your attention.

the mild trepidation lacing the tone of your prior message is certainly  understood, but all of us here would like to assure you that the JERK CURTAIN project will deliver exactly what it claims; a chance to dislodge the spittle clogging your valves. far too few acknowledge the extremely valid feelings many mothers have about hating their child... deliberately inflicting violence on their child... there a few things society hurls more unearned venom toward than people who harm children... but that venom turns especially acidic when it's a woman perpetuating the rape... even when many women internalize their sympathy in secret. 

the gentleman who slipped you our email address must have mentioned our mutual acquaintance... a Ms. Vivian Gauntlean, correct? she acts as something of a talent scout for us, and she made us aware that you were feeling a bit under pressure not only from the new baby in your life... but because of who exactly that baby's father is. 

you see... we've known about Cartlon Kiritsis for quite some time. in many ways we have to claim a morsel of responsibility for the vicious mania that has engulfed him. we're not sure just how much of his childhood he made you aware of, but his upbringing with us was fraught with innumerable tensions, and he eventually fell in with an adversary of this organization... a woman named Deliah, who co-founded this group with her two sisters, but was cast out for habitual transgressions. 

long story short, Ms. Deville... we know what a "handful" Carlton was as a baby, and we can only imagine that the disease he put in you has inherited those traits. Vivian spoke very highly of you... relaying to us that you were perhaps holding on to the hope that you could somehow course correct the infant's genetics. we don't believe anyone has enough mana to make a Spawn oV Kiritsis anything other than an inevitable terror upon the infinite worlds of the multiverse. 

we understand that this might sound a bit intrusive... maybe even a violation of your privacy, but we all want you to know that we are here if you need to talk... or attack.

Lyverne Cailadri

C.O.O. of the JERK CURTAIN team.


SUBJECT: RE: RE: if JERK CURTAIN intrigues me.

good evening, Ms. Cailadri.

apologies it took me a few days to compose a response... it's just that if i'm being honest, your last email did trigger some bad memories. 

Cart (that's what i called him. not sure why) talked a lot... wrote a lot, as well. at first i have to admit i found his imagination very interesting... even considered introducing him to some of the photographers and film makers that were  beginning to stack up in my portfolio... but any time i attempted to encourage a push for him, he would snap into a state of belligerent contrarianism, threatening to "tear himself out" or something. 

i didn't understand until recently that what Cart had been telling me, what he had been writing, was not merely him being "creative". he really believed all of this "SVK" weirdness... and now people are disfigured or dead because of it. 

i stopped seeing or talking to him just before i found out i was pregnant. i didn't see any harm in keeping the baby, because i wasn't sure how much i believed in things like inherited trauma, or legacy illnesses or whatever... but after reading your email... and watching this child become more and more of a Cart Clone... i'm starting to think i was wrong not to think all of this as much more than the private world of an anti-social loner. 

i know what i'm thinking now. 

please let me know what i can do.

- Pixy Deville. 


SUBJECT: RE: RE: RE: if JERK CURTAIN intrigues me.

a good evening to you as well, Ms. Deville. 

deep set apologies if our correspondence has caused further strain on what we know is an already strainful situation. we are relieved that you feel comfortable enough with us to open up in such a thoughtful manner. 

if you are ready to meet in person for a tour of the set, as well as a more detailed outline of what the project will encapsulate, you can meet us at this address

5100 Miller Road

South Pilisp, NY 

we accept walk-ins ;-) 

hope to see you very soon. 

Lyverne Cailadri

C.O.O. of the JERK CURTAIN team.

PS: don't forget the "darling".



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